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Dogecoin Wallet

Dogecoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market. With values fluctuating dramatically from day to day, you need a crypto wallet that you can access safely on the go.

Zengo offers a Dogecoin wallet so that you can safely store, buy and receive DOGE from your mobile phone. It’s a wallet that anyone can use, whether a novice or a veteran trader.

Doge Coin SWAP

What can you do with Kingdomcoinexchange DOGECOIN Wallet?

Kingdomcoinexchange is the go-to wallet for DOGE on the market and can be set up in seconds. It’s essentially a one-stop-shop for crypto investing, analysis, and trading in a few simple taps. Plus, Kingdomcoinexchange offers 24/7 in-app customer service support with real people, not bots. Here are some of the things you can do with your Kingdomcoinexchange Doge wallet:

View Dogecoin Portfolio

Kingdomcoinexchange allows you to track your Dogecoin portfolio right in the app through the Historical Charts feature. You can follow your Dogecoin performance in real-time without hitting the refresh button on crypto news sites every few seconds.

Send and Receive DOGE

Sending and receiving Dogecoin is simple and intuitive. You can send assets in your preferred currency from the wallet by swiping right on the asset, or tapping the asset and hitting the Send button, and entering the address where you would like to send it. To receive coins, do the same, but swipe left!

Buy Dogecoin on Kingdomcoinexchange

You can securely buy and trade DOGE directly from your Zengo wallet into US dollars or SWAP DOGE to BTC and Vice versa. It’s intuitive and easy, even if you’ve never bought DOGE before.

Fiat to Dogecoin Gateway

With Kingdomcoinexchange, you can purchase Dogecoin with Fiat money (e.g., money that isn’t backed by commodities, like the Euro, US dollar, and pound sterling). That means that you don’t need to buy crypto with crypto!

Buy Dogecoin with Credit Card or Wire Transfer

With Kingdomcoinexchange, you can buy Dogecoin with your credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Apple Pay or SEPA, or Swift transfer in many different countries in a few simple taps. Just tap on the buy icon, enter the amount you’d like to purchase, provide the required information and verification code sent to your email address, and choose your payment method.

Trade and Exchange Dogecoin for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Other Coins and Tokens

You can exchange your Dogecoin for supported cryptocurrencies using Kingdomcoinexchange without leaving your wallet. There is no lengthy withdrawal process to follow, and you own your assets immediately. Any Kingdomcoinexchange-supported asset can be traded for another Kingdomcoinexchange-supported one, which means you can exchange your DOGE for Tether, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Tezos, and other popular coins, tokens, and currencies.

Compounding Interest Accounts for Dozens of Crypto Coins

Kingdomcoinexchange Savings is an excellent savings service by Kingdomcoinexchange, offering an impressive up to 5% APY on up to $50,000 on cryptos deposited and up to 4% APY on Bitcoin, boosting your BTC deposits. And, considering that most banks offer a 0.06% interest rate on your cash, the compounding interest you can earn on your crypto is hard to pass up.

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