Learn more: 888-38-ZENGO (USA Toll free)

Earn $10 in Bitcoin by referring your friends!

Earn crypto when you refer friends to Kingdomcoinexchange with your code. Every friend that buys at least $500 worth of crypto earns each of you $10 in Bitcoin!

Conditions apply*

How to earn crypto:​

How much Bitcoin can I earn?

How many friends can you refer? The sky is the limit! Your referrals are anyone that registered a Kingdomcoinexchange account with your referral code.

How do I get paid?

Your free Bitcoin will be automatically deposited into your Kingdomcoinexchange wallet, 2-4 weeks after the $500 cumulative purchase is made by someone using your referral code.

Who is eligible for the Referral Program?

To get your referral code and earn referral rewards, all you need to do is back up your Kingdomcoinexchange wallet (to ensure the security of your funds when rewards are paid).

*For more information, read the Referral Program Terms and Conditions and the FAQ.

Signup Kingdomcoinexchange and earn free crypto!

Why Kingdomcoinexchange?

We are the global, decentralized crypto wallet with no KYC requirements, enabling simple access to crypto with an easy, seamless onboarding process.

Our industry-leading keyless wallet technology offers all of the advantages of a self-custodial wallet solution without any of the dangerous drawbacks, like private keys to store, forget, or lose.

We are the worldwide leaders in Multiparty computation (MPC), a growing part of the crypto ecosystem that will become increasingly important.

Contact our 24-hour customer support with any questions!

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